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Affiliate Program
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My underlying goal at ThinWithin.com is for my clients and customers to reach for the stars for their bodies and lives by releasing all blocks and limiting beliefs so that they can go on to enjoy their lives and their bodies in the fashion which they deserve.
I have established an Affiliate Program to provide you with an opportunity to share my mission with you while enjoying a way to make great income on the side. Together, we can impact more lives and more bodies in a healthy, abundant fashion. You will find how wonderful it feels to support others and make income – a winning solution.
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Anyone can become a ThinWithin.com Affiliate, as long as you:
What Do You Get As A ThinWithin.com Affiliate?
How Do You Get Paid?
You'll receive payment through PayPal directly to your PayPal account as often as every month, as long as you've acquired at least $50 in commissions. Our shopping cart system does all the work for us and keeps track of your details. Once you become an affiliate, you can login to our site anytime and check your stats. It couldn't be any easier!
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