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Body Breakthrough Application
Akik Ramin
What kind of struggles are you having (please check all that apply)
Emotional eating
Negative self-talk
Can't stand dieting any longer
How long have you been struggling?
6 months or less
6 months to 1 year
1 year to 2 years
2-5 years
5 years or more
What do you feel is the cause of your weight gain?
What is your biggest frustration with your body and/or your weight right now?
What are you hoping to achieve from coaching?
How committed are you to ending your weight struggles?
Extremely committed, I will take a lot of action
Semi committed, I will do a bit of action
Not very committed, I won't take much action
What kind of position are you in right now?
I need help and I am in a financial position to fix my situation
I need help and have some financial resources to fix my situation
I need help and I have very low income / I can barely pay my bills
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number you want me to call you on if you are inside the US or Skype address you would like me to reach you if you are outside the US?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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