[Video] Is Becoming a Weight Loss Coach Right for You?

Becoming a health coach or a weight loss coach is a wonderful career, but is it right for you? I'm not going to beat around the bush...it may, but it may not be. Here's what you must know to determine if becoming a weight loss coach or health coach is right [...]

Can I Certify You to Become a Body Breakthrough Coach?

For the past two years I’ve worked with a few individuals who came to me and were passionate about becoming a certified Body Breakthrough Coach and made it happen. Yet, I haven’t created an opportunity for you to become a certified Body Breakthrough Coach in several years. Finally, due to demand, I’m [...]

The exact three skills you need to grow your business

I want to lay out everything so that you can make leaps in your business, not tiny steps. So, here are the exact skills you need to grow your business - period. Hands down, this is all you need to focus on... 1. Build out your online subscriber list. If you don't have [...]

By |2015-03-15T18:22:21-06:00August 4th, 2014|grow your coaching business|0 Comments
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