Are you feeling depressed about your weight? Do you just want to cry when you look in the mirror, see your body looking back at you, and it's nowhere the size or shape you want it to be.

If that's you right now, I'm here to help, by giving you some great strategies! 

I know for myself that when I am slightly over my normal weight even if it is just a couple of pounds I start to feel sluggish and not too happy with myself. Most all of us are in this same boat – we all  feel a little uncomfortable or depressed about our weight when we desire something more for our lives, our body and our looks.

The truth is, nobody feels 100% all the time about their body – if they tell you they do, they are lying.

Many people who come to me shed tears of pain and depression about how they look and feel. It's painful, so let me share with you that the instant remedy for wiping tears is a good sweaty workout and connecting in with your body.

However, if you can't even imagine going for a workout, here are some tools to get you from feeling depressed to feeling hopeful about looking fabulous..


1. Realize that weight doesn’t define you –
This can cause an inner battle in your mind because you are thinking your body is YOU, and yes, it's a part of you, but you are so much more then your physical body.  The good news is that with the right tools in just a few weeks, you can begin to reshape your physical body – but make sure you acknowledge all the beautiful and amazing qualities that you possess.


2. Fill Your Heart and Soul With Inspiration –
I don't know about you, but inspirational movies, reading motivational books, and reading stories of people entirely overhauling their bodies do wonders to your mind and set you up to achieve similar success. Some success stories are unbelievable. Stories of women losing up to 100lbs is like losing a whole human. I’ll tell you another story. My client Betty lost 73lbs while being a busy mom, working part-time, and seeing me only once a week. She worked out on her own three-four times a  week, I just gave her a program and tools to keep her motivated. Betty set her mind to look amazing, we built in fun rewards and she went from 198 to 125 (she's smaller then me even :)). She did it, so can you!


3. Realize Your Past Efforts NEVER Dictate What Your Body Can Do or Be NOW and In the FUTURE –
Plllllleeeaaase here this and read it over and over again if you have to! Just because you've tried to lose weight in the past and you've had little to no success, DOES NOT mean that you can't look amazing. As long as you keep focused on moving forward today, keep hoping, dreaming and acting for a healthy and sexy tomorrow.


4. Start –
Here's my secret tip that I use when I've put on a few pounds and I want to shake it off fast – I just make the commitment to do something TODAY about it. For me it's not eating until I feel hungry next OR it's working out and sweating my tushy off. For you it may be doing whatever you know really works for you right away. When you take action – you ignite your health,  your thin thoughts and the success and powerful energy within you.


Losing weight can be an extremely emotional struggle. If you would like to talk with me about where you're at and what next steps you need to take in mind-body-spirit, find a time in my schedule and we'll talk.  Check it out here.