Get To Know Our Newest Body Breakthrough Coach,
Judy Brenner

My name is Judy Brenner and I am thrilled to be the newest Body Breakthrough Coach here at and ThinWithU. My motto is “You too can be thin and never, ever have to diet again!”

I love being a Coach more than anything! I love helping teens, new moms and women break free from the shackles of the diet mentality. Why? Because I lived within the shackles of repeat dieting for many years of my life. Then I learned the secrets to living thin from within and I dropped 30 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 6! I was so excited when I finally got it! I want to share the tools and techniques that helped me with everybody that has ever tried to diet and failed!

The world needs to know that DIETS DON’T WORK! So I decided to take all of the energy that I used to spend obsessing about my weight and put it towards helping others get off the diet rollercoaster! No one should have to ride on a rollercoaster when they are ready to get off! I am here to tell you that you too, can get off! Lot’s of my clients have! So please join me on a fabulous journey that will change your life! You will experience freedom around food like you never have! You will start to live the life you’ve always dreamed of! Most importantly, you too can become thin and never, ever have to diet again!

Please introduce yourself to me on facebook and please read all about
my journey here.