Today I thought I would share four things that I’ve done to improve my energy and overall quality of my life. Plus, each of these will more positively effect your weight loss efforts too. The key is, is that you have to implement them! They are so easy, but if you don’t implement them, you won’t feel the benefit…

Eight years ago, I had my thyroid taken out because they couldn’t determine if I had cancer. I couldn’t stand not knowing, so they took the whole darn thing out. If you've struggled with any thyroid disorder or low energy, these tips will definitely help!

People would always tell me to “JUST EXERCISE”, but when you don’t have any energy and can hardly make it through the day, exercise is the last thing you want and can do. 

Start here…


1. Swap your coffee for chicory or green tea 

I LOVE coffee. Love it! However, it was stripping my energy giving me major adrenaline fatigue. I was finding the need for more and more each and every day, while having less and less energy. So now, I mostly drink 100% pure chicory or green tea. It’s a process. Start out by replacing your coffee with green tea little by little so your body and mind can get used to this change.   

Here and there I will have decaffeinated coffee, but it too strips energy. So, if you can, little by little start moving toward green tea and away from coffee.  I promise it will be worth it! I still go to coffee shops, I’ve just made the switch to tea!


2. Start your morning breakfast with protein

I love bagels, I mean I could kiss them I LOVE them so much, but my body doesn’t. So, when I’m hungry in the morning, my first meal of the day includes protein.  When I have bagels, I’m hungry an hour later, but not anymore. Now I’m satisfied and feel great! 

Here’s what I now eat for breakfast – my latest is cracking two cage free eggs into a bowl with any kind of beans and a laughing cow cheese wedge. I put a plate over my bowl so it doesn’t explode all over my microwave and cook it for a few minutes and then put a ton of salsa all over it. Yummy.  

Sometimes I do a quinoa flax oatmeal type breakfast or just a few hardboiled eggs. 

3.  Stand up and breathe

Now that you’ve had some green tea and protein in your system, it’s off to your day.

If you’re like me, you spend way too much time on your tush. Right now I'm at a coffee shop, sipping on green tea sitting on my bum.  So, throughout the day, I make a point of getting up, closing my eyes and taking 10 long breaths. 

If you struggle with munchies around 11am or 3pm on, this is a great one for you. Stand up, close your eyes and take some slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let’s get some oxygen to your brain, energize your organs and give your eyes and mind a break for just a few minutes. Then, back to your bum you can go, but your body and mind need breaks. 

(NOTE – If you really want to up your energy – go for a 30 minute walk outside)



4. Get 7+ Hours of Sleep

I know, you’ve heard this a million times, but it’s true. You’ve got to get enough sleep and I get it’s not always easy. I had two children back to back who were horrible sleepers and I was a walking zombie. You just can’t function your best if you aren’t getting enough sleep. Slowly start to creep your sleep up. 

Getting enough sleep is not just great for your brain, but your weight too. When you don’t get great sleep, you eat late at night, you munch because you’re tired, and you can't cope with what the world throws at you as well.   

Try these tips and you’ll see your energy increase. In addition, you will find yourself having more energy to move your body and start living!! 

In Love and Health,  


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