Hi everybody, I'm Marna Thall, and welcome to the ThinWithin Podcast where I share with you, non diet tips, tricks, and tools to lose weight from the inside out, and today I'm going to be talking about the five secrets, my clients who've lost over 30 pounds and kept it off for more than five years because there is this incredible pattern and I thought you would want you to know this pattern. Here's why – five years seems to be like that magic number. Most people who lose weight, oftentimes regain it within five years, but once you're out of that five year zone, the chances of you keeping your weight off for any length of time after those five years quadruples, so that's
really good news.

So today I'm going to be talking about those themes that I see with my clients who keep their weight off for many years:

Secret #1: They use visualization.
Visualization is so powerful because it connects our brain and our emotions, to our results.

I love visualization but it's important that you do it correctly.  I like to activate your three dominant senses when walking my clients or myself through a visualization experience.

Your three dominant senses are visual, kinesthetic (your feeling sense), and auditory (what you hear).

For many of you, you'll find that one of those is your dominant sense and then you may have one that's less dominant.

So you may be visual if you've seen pictures or you've seen images and you may be great remembering somebody's face, but when somebody tells you their name you cannot remember it for the life of you. That's because you're a visual learner, not an auditory learner.

When you use visualization, we want to activate your three dominant senses. So it's not enough in my opinion to just see an image of the way way you look on a piece of paper. You want to go deeper and feel how you want to feel when you get down to your desired weight. You want to activate your auditory sense by hearing words or phrases or environmental sounds.

Here is what I used to do – I used to think of myself skipping along the beach and my husband was running along side me, and I was feeling alive and fun and vibrant and healthy and fit, and light and lean, and then all of a sudden I'm activating my visual sense by seeing an image of me playing full out on the beach. I'm hearing me laugh. I'm hearing the water splash around and I'm hearing my husband in the background laughing with me. I may want to expand it now and add the kids to the picture and here I'm jumping around and splashing with them around me. Then I feeling and feeling and using my kinesthetic sense to feel thin and light and vibrant and alive.

All of a sudden, it's not just a plain visualization, it's not just a picture of me on a piece of paper. I've now activated an image. And I've activated my three dominant senses effectively.

The approach I use to help my clients lose weight permanently is to use visualization and get your mind and your body working together to slim down.

I hear story after story of people who have used visualization to ignite a thinner body, and I see it daily with people who are committed to it. When you just use it here and there, it's not as powerful obviously, but it works when you really activate your three dominant senses.

What I see with clients who've lost over 30 pounds and kept it off. What they did is they had a practice for visualization, they'd wake up in the morning, before they even got out of bed, they take a few moments. Maybe they had a picture right by their right by their on their lamp or something.  I've had times I've taped an image to my lamp by my bed and I would just look at it. However, it's not enough, like I said, it's just looking at it.

The practice of actually activating the image you desire most by feeling it, connecting to it, hearing the words, seeing yourself moving toward feeling alive, that begins to start the vibration of all your cells starting to vibrate together.

What a great way to start your day.

So, the power of visualization is a big part of the work I do. In most of my coaching programs, I do a lot of visualization and hypnotherapy. I do that because I know the power of activating your whole brain to see different results.

Secret #2: It's not enough to just want to lose weight.

How many of you have been saying yourself for years I want to lose weight, I want to lose weight, I want to lose weight!?

What happens is that wanting to lose weight, keeps you wanting and in the mental framework of wanting. Wanting
keeps you in a perpetual place of being a being a wanter of weight loss.

I cannot tell you the number of times I've had a body breakthrough session with somebody and they sit down and I ask them what they want, and they say, ” I want to lose weight”, and I ask them “How long have you been telling yourself that?”  Many people share with me for 15 years or as long as I can remember. I've heard this many many times.

Any of you who keep telling yourself “I want to lose weight”. Stop it! Saying that is keeping it from you, it's keeping it out there, away from you. I want you to bring it into the present tense and the way you do that is you decide that you're going to be thinner, lighter leaner healthier, more vibrant; whatever phrase you want to use. But it's incredibly important for you to make that decision.

Make the decision. Decide and commit that you're going to do whatever it takes to be healthier, more vibrant, you know, that can feel like, Oh my god, how do I do that. All you have to do is do it day by day. Today I'm deciding to  lose weight, today I'm deciding to be healthier.

Here's a really really powerful phrase that I've been using this with years with my clients. I want you to write it down.

The phrase that will stop your fat or chatter or transform your fatter chatter in its tracks and start putting you in a more powerful frame of mind is asking yourself, “Am I willing?”

Am I willing to move my body?
Am I willing to do one action item to get me feeling more vibrant and healthier?
Am I willing to add one more vegetable to something I'm eating?
Am I willing to go take a walk for five minutes?

Giving yourself back the power and knowing what you're willing to do is powerful. When that happens is, let me go into the third point…

After you've made the decision and you're committed, then – you've got to…

Secret #3: Become Solution Oriented

What does this mean. Well, when you start saying words and phrases like am “I am willing” it puts you in to a solution oriented mindset.

You've got to stop being a victim to your thoughts and start getting into a solution oriented mindset in the way you think in the way you act.

How do you do this?

Instead of being a victim and being like, “Oh my God, this doesn't work and, oh my gosh, I can't do this and I can't do that,” you start to say things like, “Am I willing?”

“What am I willing to do?”
“Am I willing to eat salad when I'm hungry today?”
“Am I willing to stop eating when I'm satisfied?”
“Am I willing to take a five minute walk right now?”

These phrases put you into action now, but if you've been negative, it's really helpful to have a coach help you with your mindset and this is what I do every single day.

But if let's say you're saying, “I can't stop eating late at night.” This happens a lot. So many people, after five o'clock, all of a sudden, your in-control mind goes out the window.

It is how our brain is actually created, and I've talked a lot about this for those of you who are trying to change your late night eating.

Neuroplasticity studies show that front loading your day to set you up for success is where you will be most successful with late night eating.

Begin asking yourself, “What can I do today when it's six o'clock and you want food. You've got an hour to wait for your family to sit down to eat.

Ask yourself –
“What's the best way to handle this situation?
“What would help me create a better pattern?

When I was really struggling with late night eating….
One of them either way late at around 10 o'clock at night. I would eat an early dinner at 5:30 and by 10:30 pm,  I was starving. I got myself in this bad pattern and I would say to myself, “Marna, are you willing to wait another hour and then check in again? Are you willing to just put it off because you know how awesome you're going to feel in the morning tomorrow morning when you step out of bed? You are going to feel like a rock star because you didn't overeat or put all this extra food in your body. Come on. You can do it. Are you willing to do that?”

I would then say, YES!

Solution oriented thinking is so powerful and my clients you see getting amazing weight loss results; every single one of them who have lost over 30 pounds and have kept it off for well over five years are solution oriented in their thinking.

They don't go into being a victim they go into solution, what can I do, how can I make this easier.

They might say something like, “I hate cooking. What can I do to make evening meals better for me and my family?They don't go into that victim mode and think, “Oh my god this sucks, I should be better at cooking. I really should shouldn't want to eat late at night.”

They don't go into that, they just say, “How can I make this work for me in a way that that that honors me and my desires?”

See that's why diet suck (especially if you're an emotional eater). Diets put this like power over us and then we feel like we have to like be quote unquote so good. But when we start to be in solution oriented thinking when we start to move into that way we can say, “What am I willing to do to move my health forward this right now, today, or

Secret #4: Establish Successful Weight Loss and Body Habits

The next thing is that you've got to establish successful habits.

Now, this does not mean dieting. This does not mean that you have to establish habits around weighing and measuring your food, or calories. That is not what I'm talking about.

What it is about, is establishing successful habits in your mind, in how you feel about yourself, establishing a successful habits around what I was just talking about how you relate to food. Are you somebody who has fatter chatter or are you turning those words around and starting to feel stronger, better, and more vibrant? Are you committed and have you made the decision that you're going to lose weight? Are you stepping into that power, every frickin day?

Every day you're moving into those successful habits?

It is all about retraining your mind. That's why I call my business ThinWithin because it's about going in and becoming the thin you that is already there, it's pulling out the thin you with those success habits that need to be created or that need to be reignited. This is crucial crucial for weight loss and very single one of the women who I've worked with, and who I've helped lose over 30 pounds, and keep it off, have created new success habits that they activate and reactivate every single day.

These habits become easy. It's not like they have to drudge up and implement these habits each and every day. No, they're not dieting. There's freedom with food for them, but they have a handful or two of habits that support them, that make this journey easier for them, that are solution oriented, and that are creating vibrancy, health and success.

Secret #5: Have a Weight Loss Support System

Every single person who's lost weight and have kept it off over five years, has had a support had a system in place. Whether it was hiring me as a coach or whether it was being part of a group coaching program, or whether it was using an accountability group, or having a buddy to walk with or workout with, it doesn't matter, it doesn't make any difference, but there was some sort of support.

Obviously I'm talking about clients and people who I have worked with; who have lost weight and kept it off for many, many years. They had me as their support system, they had me holding them accountable, they had me saying taking a stand for them and saying, “You said you're going to do this, how's that working out for you?” or “What kept you from doing that and how can you be in more of a solution oriented mindset?”  or “Here's a better question to ask yourself.” Right? Those type of things. I can help support them through their cluttered way of thinking, their fatter chatter that they are having, or the patterns that aren't supporting them, but get a support system in place.

Studies show that people who have a supportive community around them, have much more long-term success with weight loss. Create your own support system or accountability if you need to, or be part of mine. That's what my Inner Circle is all about. That's what coaching is all about.

So those are the five really important areas.

Think about it. Think about what you already have in place. You probably have one, two, three or maybe even four or five of  these in place. If you're one of my clients who've lost over 30 pounds many years ago, you have all five in place. And whatever you have in place, we'll start where you're at.

To help inspire you to take action – in looking at this list, what is one of these areas you can start taking action on? I want you to take action and to start activating a success strategy.

If you liked today's show, gosh, it would mean the world to me, if you would share my new podcast with others. If you'd like more individual help from me,  you can always head on over to ThinWithin.com and you're going to see a link that says, free resources and just go ahead and take the free course.

All right everybody be well, feel free to let me know what you would like me to talk on next. Because I love to help you become thin with it.

Bye everybody.