Are food cravings getting in the way of your body goals? Keep reading, this will help…
When I was in college, I had an obsession with peanut M&M’s. I just couldn’t get enough of them and they were my “food buddy” as I plugged away studying for finals.
I knew they had a ton of power over me, just like you may have foods that have too much power over you!
Here’s what I did: I put a bowl of peanut M&M’s on my headboard so I knew that I could have them at anytime. The first few days I emptied the bowl, yet just two weeks later, my beloved peanut M&M’s were filled up high in the bowl and starting to spoil.
What we focus on expands. When you focus on NOT eating certain foods, those foods become extremely important, their energy increases and they occupy a great deal of mental focus. It’s hard not having foods you’re desperate to have.
When you allow yourself to have foods you crave over and over (as long as your body doesn’t react negatively to them), you lessen their power over you and you neutralize this food – creating harmony and joy!
My clients are often scared to take on this task for fear of being out of control with all foods, so here’s what I recommend you do, if you’re scared too…..
Start with taking just one food item that has power over you and buy one small package of them. Tell yourself you can have it when you want, when you’re hungry. When completely eaten, buy another small package, and do this again and again until this food runs out of power and neutralizes itself in your body and mind.
Living in lack with food is in direct contradition to living in harmony! Let’s get you living in harmony with food.
If you, or someone you know is interested in becoming a Body Breakthrough Coach, click here to setup a time with me to chat about whether it’s the right opportunity for you. We get started April 22nd.
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