Why can’t we achieve our ideal weight? Why are we looking for an external solution to an internal problem? Our subconscious is doing everything possible to keep us in our comfort zone. The truth is that change only exists outside of our comfort zone. You have to step out to step into your ideal body. 

Here are 4 ways to step out of our comfort zone to step into your ideal body:

  1. Stop dieting. What worked for me is learning to eat like the naturally thin. If you want to get rich you would study rich people. So it stands to reason that if you wish to be thin you study the naturally thin. This is what made it possible for me to release over 30 pounds and keep them off for three years.
  2. Shine a light on your thoughts. When you make a statement such as, I am going to lose 20, 50, or 100 pounds, what thoughts come into your head? Do you hear that voice say, “Go for it?” Of course not, you hear, “you can’t do it, you have tried this before and failed”, etc. Observe your thoughts without judgment. Change that negative thought to a positive one every time you notice.
  3. Try something new. Go to a new restaurant, exercise class, park, drive a different way to work, shop at a different grocery store, etc. By doing something different, you are showing your ego that change does not lead to the end of your world. You are in effect taking steps to get out of your comfort zone.
  4. If you can only do one thing, then take one small step towards your goal. These continuous small steps add up so that before you know it you are beyond your comfort zone and have achieved your goal. Now repeat….


Barbie Patterson is a Certified Thinwithin Body Breakthrough Coach. She supports women who are struggling with their weight and who are asking themselves, “How can I release this weight, without dieting or deprivation, once and for all?” She walks them through a step by step process that stops them from wondering and allows them to experience the transformation for themselves. To schedule a complimentary, Change Your Mindset, Change Your Body Discovery Session (valued at $245.): https://www.thinwithin.com/Barbie or e-mail, Barbie@thinwithin.com.