Are you using food to numb out?

This is a common unconscious reaction to avoiding all sorts of emotions like anger and sadness. Yet, to feel your feelings and separate your physical hunger from emotional hunger is at the core of what we teach every day to take our clients from overweight thinking and eating to a naturally thin state of mind.

If you’re concerned about your own numbing out patterns, many people who struggle with difficult and painful emotions also struggle with eating problems, so don't beat yourself up, you are definitely NOT alone.


Breaking the pattern of numbing your emotions with food begins with developing emotional intelligence tools and skills, which includes developing self-awareness and an increased ability to notice and navigate through your thoughts and emotions.


One tool you can use is NAC which stands for Notice and Curious. All you have to do is notice that you want to numb out and get curious as to why.

  • Why is it that late at night after you put the kids to be you want to numb out?
  • Why is it that right at 3:00 you start hunting for food?
  • Why is it that right after work, you head to grab a bag of chips?

Noticing And Curiosity(NAC) is something you can get the nac for 🙂 while developing mindfulness without judgment. You and your body are brilliant and your body is communicating to you a need through numbing out. What is that need. First notice, then get curious.


If you want the full scoop on emotional eating – I'm hosting a FREE online training, where we go over the 4 major reasons your turning to food, and how to identify it, and stop it for good.

Just Click Here To Check Out The Live Training

I really look forward to seeing you there!