I hope you are having a wonderful week! I'm wondering, what are your body dreams?
For years I thought that my body wasn't meant to be thin and really couldn't be thinner. I felt like I was just bigger boned than my friends and I felt uncomfortable in my clothes, out at the pool, and out at social events.
All of that changed when I started dreaming and believing what was possible for my body and then of course, started living into that space.
Let me show you what I did….
1. I got realistic about my body.
No, I'm never going to be someone who's 5'9″ when I'm just barely 5'4″. I'm never going to have really skinny, when my body is more muscular.
2. I then got grateful.
I am lucky to have a smaller waist, a beautiful bony neck, long hair that I like, a smile that is wide and pretty, eyes that squint up when I smile, strong arms that I can wear tank tops in…
3. And then I turned to my dreams.
I became very clear of my dreams – I wanted to lose 30 pounds. I wanted to think, eat and live thin and I was willing to work at it, but not feel overwhelmed or stifled by the proccess. I needed freedom with food – no should's and should-nots around my eating.
4. Finally, I aligned my dreams to my conscious and unconscious mind.
I then took my dreams and aligned it to my thoughts, desires, and actions to lose 30 pounds. I knew that if I truly wanted to lose weight, I would have to think, eat and act differently, but it didn't have to be hard or depriving in nature. It just had to look and be different to get different results.
Pretty fantastic right?
So what are your body dreams?
I really want to know, so I have opened up a few spots to connect and speak to you about your dreams for your body.
If you would like me to help you Dream Big to Get Thin, just click the link below and find a time that works for your schedule.
Much Love & Keep Dreaming,
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