This whole notion of making a decision has been showing itself in multiple shades to me over the past few weeks.
I know that when I stopped smoking 16 years ago, I made a decision. When I dropped 30+ pounds some 18 or so years ago, I made a decision. And, after each of my pregnancies, I made the decision to get the baby off – and within 14 weeks I did just that.
Just like me, you make tons of decisions each and every day. Some of these decisions have made you wildly successful, a fabulous parent, and an amazing spouse or friend.
So here’s the big question I’d like for you to ponder today – when it comes to your body, have you made the DECISION to BE a certain weight or size? Have you made the decision to start moving your body on a regular basis, or maybe step up your workouts? Have you decided to eat more organic foods or add in some vegetables here and there?
As those of you know who have been following me on Facebook, you know that working out doesn’t come naturally to me. I’d rather work or lay in front of the TV versus going work out, but last month when we started the Pedometer Challenge at ThinWithinU it motivated me to start walking more. Then, as I started walking more, it motivated me to step into even more challenging workouts.
Have you made the decision to be 30 or 50 pounds lighter? Have you made the decision to start tracking your steps? Have you made the decision to receive mentoring so you can have accountability, strategies and focus each week as you take your body down size by size?
When you make the decision to lose weight and become a certain size, everything in your world has to change to accommodate your decision. Your job then is to keep deciding and deciding again.
One of the most important jobs as your mentor and coach, is to make sure the decisions you make for your body, come to fruition. That’s why I get results for my clients – because if you are not successful, neither am I.
Please share with me below…
1. What decision are you making for your body?
2. What would you like to see come true for your body within the next six months?
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